Friday, November 8, 2013

Tomorrow is my first 10K


This is my first blog post.  Ever.  I have always tended to use my Facebook page as a pseudo blog.  However, after several gentle (and not-so-gentle) prods, I decided to start an actual blog.

Around 3 months ago, Kelsey and I joined Black Girls Run!  It's an amazeballs group of women, mostly of color, who get together and walk/jog/wog/run.  Some do it just for fun.  Others are race-aholics.  I fall somewhere in-between.  I'm highly suggestible, and a sucker for bling.

Somehow, some way, I got convinced (read: convinced myself) to sign up for out-of-town races.  I've never actually done 6.2 miles of ANYTHING before, and I'm therefore scared mostly shitless (only not really shitless, since my stomach is so upset right now). #awesome

We're getting on the road at around 1:30 this afternoon.  Kelsey is all pumped up and excited.  She's fast.  For someone who's only been running for 3 months now, I can't believe how very fast she is (under 10-minute miles when she runs with #DemBeauties).  One day...maybe...I can catch up with her.

But enough about her. :)

We're staying in a hotel that I've never stayed in before, so it should be interesting.  People have been making jokes about running in bullet-proof vests.  If that's any indication of what Trenton is like, I'm in for a treat.  I can't outwalk a bullet.  So, this could be my last post. Hahaha

I feel so fortunate that my cousin and her daughter are meeting us in Trenton to cheer us on.  It will be great motivation to know that, waiting at the finish line, will be Djeni and Amaya.  Knowing that, I can't NOT finish.  Right?!

I'm worried.  About the cold.  About my asthma.  About the 100+ extra pounds that I'm carrying around. I'm 5'4", almost 250 pounds.  Did I put that out there?  Yup, I sure did.  I'm trying to earn my "oversharing" street cred.  I have plantar fasciitis.  I have a problem with my achilles tendon.  I don't do my stretches like EVERYONE who knows ANYTHING has been counseling me to do.  I can't find my rolling pin because our condo is still a friggin' mess from our wedding.  You know, the one that took place over 3 months ago.

I hope I can make it tomorrow.  Last weekend, at the Race to End Women's Cancer, I'm not sure I would've made it without my sweet mom walking beside me.  Tomorrow, I walk alone.

Got my playlist being formed.  Got some headphones.  Got around 5 outfits packed.  Got my tutu.  Got my BondiBand.  Got my wife.

Now, all I need left to "got" is my courage.



  1. 5 outfits? Seriously? Once you find the rolling pin, maybe you can use it as a sort of massager by rolling it over your sore muscles.

  2. Thanks, "Lil Lam" (perfect name, beeteedubs)
    I forgot to add...I CRIED at the end of my 8K. LOL

  3. You will not be alone. There will be other walkers and I'm sure you'll pick up a stray or two along the way. Put your game/race/glam face on (literally) and enjoy the ride!

  4. I am so f*ing proud of you I can hardly contain it. #livingvicarious
